Where am I going with this?

When I started this blog, it was out of curiosity, to get to meet new people, interview them and share something with them.ย 

I have loved it so far because it makes me more open and also more connected to everywhere I go. Its something different, and has definitely taught me to honour every idiosyncrasy and unique thought I have ๐Ÿ™‚

Lately I have found that I want to move beyond that to sharing stories in all forms- from videos, to thoughts, to my own personal reflection, to conversations with people. So still conversations but in every form, not just video.

I love to write, especially short forms like poetry and short stories. I would like to share it here. I also find myself going through a lot of growth and its something that has really helped me in every area of my life and so I want to share it here too.ย 

I want to share conversations with interesting people, thoughts on being successful, just anything that distils some sort of beauty and mystery and life.ย 

You never know who gets life from your own life so I am just going to share stories and not care where it goes- who sees it, or if all the many things I am sharing are somehow coherent. I will just share my life in a way that is authentic and in a way that moves someone forward.

Thank you for coming on the journey with me and stay tuned.

Also leave me a comment, share your own stories with me here and let’s create a fun and hopefully life giving community.

Ps: I am in Nigeria and so I look forward to doing some interviews here very soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

Don’t forget to leave me a comment, subscribe and come on over to twitter to continue the conversation ๐Ÿ˜‰